Wednesday, October 8, 2014



My name is Jared Anson Yachuda Heim Dougall. Jared Anson, for my family. I was named after my great grandparents Jack and Janet, so that is where the "J" comes from. Sometimes I don't like having a 'J', it's much to common. Anson, well, my great grandmother Anne was a favorite of my mother's, so to honor her I am literally 'Anne's son'. I feel like my name is one big commemorative statue to those in my family, while my brother's name 'Cailan' was chosen just because my parents "liked it".
You can kind of guess who's the favorite...
I was named Yachuda after Yachuda Macabee, a warrior in the Jewish religion who fought the Romans and kept our people alive. He retaliated after the Romans eviscerated one of our temples, which sparked the story of Chanukah. So I am pretty much named after the 'founder of Chanukah', which I find to be pretty cool, being that Chanukah is my favorite Jewish holiday. Next, I am Heim, which means 'life' in Hebrew. So I am a "Warrior Who Embraces Life", which I think describes me pretty accurately.
Ms. Cunningham asked us to pick an animal, an element and a color to describe us, and I came up with some good ideas. I was thinking 'Orange Uranium Wolf", and I know what you're thinking right now, "What the heck is he thinking? Uranium? Pfft...". But before you condemn me, hear me out. Orange, soft to the touch, sweet like an orange, yet volatile and powerful. Uranium, radiant, explosive, sought after, powerful and versatile. Wolf, strong, fierce, travels in packs, loyal and a protector of the young. So next time when you think the name Jared Anson Yachuda Heim Dougall, think Orange Uranium Wolf.